Saturday, November 06, 2004


Several members of our class got to attend the Deaf (+friends) social last night. I was too beat to go but the kids had a great time. Julia came running in to tell me that 5 of her new deaf friends had gotten together to give her and Paul their name signs. Hers is the sign for "J" but with both hands, which is very cute because she is left handed and has had a hard time not signing "J" backwards. It's very fitting. Paul's is the sign for "Play" also very fitting and he is also very happy with his name sign.
We all learn so much more when we have a chance to communicate with our deaf friends. It is frustrating at times but there is no better way to cement those signs in your head than to use them when you NEED them! Learning ASL is becoming such a joy to us! At first it seemed like taking on a lot, when with four kids, I'm already rather maxed out, but it has been wonderful and a benefit to us in many ways.

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