Saturday, October 30, 2004

Giving this a try...

I'm going to try my hand at this. I'd welcome any advice (on blogging that is) My goal is to put up a page about sign language and our family's experiences with it and with our deaf friends. I would really like to have an extensive list of links to quality related pages and maybe products. We'll see what we find. Soon as I can get a new camera I'll post some pictures of us and others at our sign language classes. Presently all four kids and I are taking two classes, one is at our public library on thursdays and is directed towards children/beginners, and the other class is a theocratic ASL class taught at our Kingdom Hall on fridays. There is homework/studying for both classes. Then we are also able to sit in the ASL section at the hall on sundays and watch the talk interpeted in ASL.

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